Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Week Two of School — The Time When COVID-19 Hit us Hard

 August 17, 2020 was the first day of school. Classes didn’t technically start until the 19th, but opening rally and praying for the nations were on our list of priorities. Classes were great, chapel was great, and everything was right in the world.

Third year is so much different than the first two years. It’s when you have more requirements on you like practicum, third year project, and a mountain-load more books to read. The thing about my school is that there are only three years. So third year comes and it hits hard. I wasn’t worried…at first.

On Thursday of that week we discussed third year project. We were told to get into teams of five and so we did. We were tasked with the challenge of picking a project together — getting us all to agree on one thing was a challenge indeed. Finally, my idea won. You can imagine the joy I had when we chose my coffee shop idea. If you know me at all, you know I love coffee and I have always wanted to start a coffee shop ministry.

In one of my classes, ‘Life Management and Development’, we talked about goals. Did you know that only 3% of humanity actually set goals? That leaves the rest of the 97% of humanity that work for that 3%. Crazy, isn’t it?

In ‘Preteen Ministry’, I learned that I am a part of Gen Z when this whole time I thought I was a Millennial. I still have a hard time believing that, but he insists that the people who decide the cutoffs for each generation all agreed I am Gen Z. Which is fine because they haven’t developed a super bad rap like Millennials yet, so I guess I have hope again.

Overall, I was given 7 books to read this semester, not counting the one for voice lessons which I will be reading for the third time. It’s a small book though and I am only required to skim through it. I learned that this semester ends in November instead of December, so it makes me nervous I won’t be able to finish them all in time but I know it will all work together in the end.

The first week of school went great. However, Sunday, August 23rd we were told classes on Monday were cancelled for a staff meeting. Tuesday was cancelled too and they gave a disturbing announcement. Many people on campus tested positive for coronavirus and classes were switched to online for two weeks. At the end of two weeks they will decide if the rest of the semester will be online or in-person (I am praying for in-person classes!).

In the midst of all this, I got sick. The same Monday as the staff meeting, I started to have flu-like symptoms. I still have a hard time believing I tested positive for coronavirus, yet here I am with no sense of taste or smell. It started with a sore throat, as most illnesses do for me. I had a headache that morning and a sore throat which progressed to an earache and congestion issues. Last February I thought I had coronavirus, I had a fever every day along with a sore throat and congestion. I felt like I was going to die. This? This has nothing on that. I feel fine and I am already on the road to recovery. I can’t wait to be able to taste food again, I think for me that has been the scariest part of having coronavirus. A small part of me fears it will be gone forever, but I was told by others who have previously gone through this that it comes back around day 9–10. I am still days from that, but at least I have hope.

Week two of school, though online, was great too. I enjoyed my classes, though I suddenly feel behind on everything. I have a school bill payment coming up but I haven’t been able to work, so there is that. I haven’t started reading any of my books since I have been experiencing a lot of fatigue and it’s hard to keep my eyes open long for anything. I have assignments that are on hold for similar reasons, and stress is officially starting to set in. I am currently praying it away, but it still tends to sneak in by surprise.

This semester, though off to a rough start for everyone here (there are countless others on campus who also tested positive for coronavirus), is going to be a great one. No one knows what is in store for the next few months, but we all agree it holds great blessing and miracles. We can feel it in the air, it’s all around us. God has something for us here, we feel it and are ready to receive it.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


It's crazy as I look back on old blog posts and see different things that I've written. I read about my heart for God, being baptized, going to France, and so much more. Then I saw how hurt I was by so many people in my life and my heart breaks for that girl.
Recently, God has been bringing up things of my past - past pains and such from living in Minnesota - all with the intention to bring healing in my life from those situations. It's interesting timing that I am now going through some of the posts I've written from that point of time. I don't believe in coincidences, it was definitely God.
Those years were the hardest for me, but they were also the best. Perspective changes everything. Because of the painful situation I was going through in my life, I was closer to God for it. The moment things changed, so did I and I watch in my writings and posts and such as slowly I got further and further from my Savior, the One who held me on those dark and painful nights. Things didn't necessarily get better at the point (they did, but not entirely), the problem was I was given more freedom to leave and escape the pain and the burdens put on me. The problem was, I found momentary/temporary relief from something or someone that was not God. I felt distant from God because I chose not to listen to His still, small voice guiding me away from the things that would hurt me but like a good Father, He didn't force anything on me He left the choice up to me. And I made the poor decision to not listen to Him. So further and further I got from Him, because I chose physical, earthly things to temporarily relieve the pain I was feeling instead of confronting the pain at the time and dealing with it in the presence of my God and Savior. So now, years later I am attending a Bible College and dealing with that pain and hurt in layers upon layers until I am fully free of all hurt. I am so much more free that I was when I first started coming here a year and a half ago but for this pain I believe God is working in layers. I thought I had been fully set free but since God is bringing these things back up in my life I believe we might have left somethings unfinished. So here I go on this journey of healing, forgiveness, and restoration of my emotional and spiritual health. Amen.

I praise God that I am not who I was when I came to CFNI. I praise God because I am a whole new being. I praise God that the old has gone away and I am completely new. I am outgoing, yet still introverted. I love people, yet I need time with my God to revive me again. I thank God that I am close with Him again, that He is speaking to me every day about the things He loves about me, that He is guiding me in new directions I never thought He would take me, and that He is restoring me and helping me to become a better person every day.

random note God gave me as I was writing this and praying for others (I am at work/TBN praying for people): perspective - stop praying from a point as if God is the one not healing them or that He is the bad guy for allowing this illness to overtake someone, but instead pray as if the enemy is attacking that person and needs to stop! God is on our side! He is the good guy. The enemy is the bad guy, not God.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


I'm not sure that I am back to the blogging world but I figured it would be worth a try to play around and see. If you are receiving this in your email inbox or anything, I apologize, I am trying to relearn everything in the blogger world.
I'm not sure of the main topics I want to be focusing on when I write but I will figure it out.
It's been years since I have been on here blogging but I go to a Bible College now and I really just want to write down some of the experiences I have or the things that I am learning. I want them in one place and if they can bless others, that's awesome too.
Anyways, that's all for now. I'm looking into getting a whole new blogger site (one where I actually have to pay to own...) just because it is my dream to be an influencer of some kind for those around me.
Anyways, till next time.
xoxo, amy

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

I Am Truly Free

Wednesday, April 12, 2017
I couldn't sleep. This was the third night in a row that I am stuck, unable to drift into the beautiful and peaceful land of slumber. The only explanation was that God wanted me awake for a reason.
The words that echoed in my mind from off the screen of my phone was this: Forgive them.
 For weeks I had been angry. Angry at so many people, so many things. I'm not usually angry, so I didn't understand what was happening to me. It was a foreign feeling inside of me that I didn't know what to do with. I needed to forgive them, but somehow I couldn't. It wasn't until the third sleepless night that I was able to push all other thoughts aside and focus on God instead of focusing on myself.
It was like the tearing of a cloth, ripping my thoughts away from where I thought they wanted to be and placing them where I now know they need to be. I was selfish and so I couldn't forgive them. In the process I was hurting both them and myself.
God forgave me. So why is it so hard for me to forgive someone else? Then I thought: If it's so hard to forgive someone who did so little to me, imagine how difficult it might be for God to forgive someone who did so much to Him! Yet He still forgives them.
I needed to forgive them.
I lied in my bed, restless and tired. I lifted my hands to God and prayed, "Lord help me forgive them!" Tears were rolling down my face, and I kept praying. "God I forgive them!" And last night I forgave each person by name.
It was like I had been in chains before and forgiveness was what set me free. It was like I was chained to each person by this bond of hate and spite and forgiving them was what finally released me from that bond. I felt relieved. For the first time in months, I felt peace. I cried because it was so beautiful.
Forgiveness is beautiful.
After that, I dozed off to sleep.

This is something I wrote last night, after forgiving those people:
I am held in chains. Until my faith breaks me free, I am held captive. Until I come to the realization that all I need to do to break away is turn my eyes away from myself, my hurt, my pain, my heartache, me, until I look to the Father instead of myself and choose to forgive like he had done for me, until then, I am stuck. 
I am alone. Nobody stands with me. I am lost and alone. Until I come to the realization that first Jesus had many, then all was taken from Him and He was completely and utterly alone, until I realize that Jesus was once more alone then I will ever, and I mean EVER be, until then, I am stuck.
I'm sinking. I was walking high in pride on love, but now I am sinking below the surface. I lost sight of what is good. Until I realize I am just repeating history, until I realize this has been done before and all I have to do is look away from the waves and troubles and fears and heartache and worries and the unknown, until I realize all I need to do is focus on my Creator, until then, I am stuck. 
I am stuck. Until I forgive, until I focus on God, until I choose love, until I have faith, until I love the Great Lover Himself, until I come to realize. Until then, I will remain stuck. 
But if I forgive. If I focus on God. If I choose love. If I have faith. If I love the very first Lover. If I come to realize. Then, and only then, will I truly be free. 
Today I am truly free. 

Monday, December 12, 2016

How To Pray

I've been struggling lately. Spiritually struggling. Searching for something to hold onto even though I know God is there I am still searching for something else. Something physical, perhaps. My faith forgotten, so I walk alone. Cold. Shivering. Alone. I go to church but for the wrong reasons. I pray lukewarm prayers for me and only me. I've become selfish in this time. I've even commit adultery in my heart and mind. I've allowed myself to break so much that all hope has slipped through the cracks of my broken soul. I've allowed myself to get angry over stupid things. I've allowed myself to hate for stupid reasons. I woke up today deciding to give up on life. Because to me, all hope is gone.
That's when I heard this faint whisper. How cliché, right? I know He wants me to pray, but the words are not there. I tried last night and cried myself to sleep. Surely sleep would be what I need and I'd wake up and everything will be better again. Boy was I wrong. Images of how I'd end life flash before my eyes. I was ready to give up.
Again the whisper. I need to pray. Where are the words? I forgot how to pray. I was told a long time again that if I can't find the words to pray read a Psalm. I tried and it wasn't fitting. What do I do now? This morning as I rolled out of bed, I remembered a book I had gotten a year ago about the power of an ordinary prayer. Funny, that's what its called. I never got around to reading it last year, but maybe that's because I needed it now and not then. It's conveniently unpacked and on my book shelf already too. How nice.
I read the introduction and the first two pages in the first chapter. I learned nothing yet, but I feel better already. It's because I've found hope.
I grab an empty journal from my shelf (also conveniently unpacked--literally the only few things in my room that is) and begin to write a prayer. One that I would pray daily. One that I would pray if I ever lost the words again.

Prayer is no little thing. It must come from the heart. In a time like this, it must be given time, and a pen and paper.

I am so broken. I need you. I'm sorry I've let myself get this far. I'm sorry I've been so distant. I'm sorry I've failed. Thank you for your patience and your mercy. I ask for so much of it every day. Thank you for loving me even though I am so sinful. Lord, you are good to me, even though I am so undeserving of your goodness. I need you. Lord, I feel so hopeless. Like I've let all hope go.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

I have been struggling a ton lately. And I'd really like your help.
Since we've moved here I have been struggling. I mean, there is the struggle of making new friends, getting back with the old ones, school, church, youth group, unpacking, and life in general. But the two things that have been blown up in my life right now is the first two.
It's hard to make new friends. And when your youth group consists of more boys than girls (not exactly true, but its complicated. Trust me.) and you have this thing with not being friends with boys, making friends is really hard. I'm also homeschooled and my old homeschool group I am finding is kind of lame (okay, so no other high school goes anymore so I'm left with no one).
Getting back together with my old friends? Yeah. Right. Pretty sure they want nothing to do with me.
Don't get me wrong, guys, I don't have a bad attitude about this. I am just giving you all the details.
So here I am with nobody. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Do not conform to the patterns of this world...

Shine like stars in the universe...

1 Timothy 2:9-15New Living Translation (NLT)
And I want women to be modest in their appearance.[a] They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes. 10 For women who claim to be devoted to God should make themselves attractive by the good things they do.
11 Women should learn quietly and submissively. 12 I do not let women teach men or have authority over them.[b] Let them listen quietly. 13 For God made Adam first, and afterward he made Eve. 14 And it was not Adam who was deceived by Satan. The woman was deceived, and sin was the result. 15 But women will be saved through childbearing,[c] assuming they continue to live in faith, love, holiness, and modesty.

Monday, November 7, 2016

I am saying this for your benefit, not to place restrictions on you. I want you to do whatever will help you serve the Lord best, with as few distractions as possible. 1 Corinthians 7:35
Lately I have had a lot of distractions. Between NaNoWriMo and this really cool guy I've been communicating with via text, I've had little to no time with God. As much as I hate to admit it, these things have consumed all of my thoughts. Not only do I have little time for my God, but also for school, for family, and for anything else that should be at the top of my priority list. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a big problem.
I realize this and so I go to my God and ask for forgiveness. I also open my Bible and the story of when Jesus walked on water stood out to me. I am a lot like Peter. In my walk with Jesus, I got distracted by the winds and the waves, and now I am sinking.
"Yes, come," Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw the strong wing and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. "Save me, Lord!" He shouted. Matthew 14:29-30
So now I cry out, "Save me, Lord!" and He comes to my rescue.
I want to serve the Lord as best that I can, which means that I need to get rid of these distractions. I'm not saying I'm not going to do NaNo and I'm not saying that I will totally shut this guy out of my life. Nor will I quit going to youth group and hanging out with my friends (another distraction in my life right now). I need to focus on my priorities. If my friends plan a hang-out day but I haven't done my devotions for the day yet, should I be going to the hang-out? No. I should be spending that time with God. That is what will help me to serve the Lord best. To put Him at the top of my priorities and not anything else. To fix my eyes on Him and not get distracted by all the noise. I need this and so I pray that God will give me the strength to stay strong and not waver.
Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Proverbs 4:25

Luke 10:38-42New Living Translation (NLT)

Jesus Visits Martha and Mary

38 As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. 39 Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. 40 But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.”
41 But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! 42 There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Monday, October 24, 2016

I often question my ability to write. It could have something to do with the fact that I am terrible with grammar, or it could be my overall insecurity and the comparison trap I've fallen into. Either way, I need to push back the question of whether or not I am a good writer or even meant to be one and go forward with my life...and write.
I often question my ability to sing, as well. It could have something to do with the fact that I do not know or yet understand the terms people use with singing, or it could be my overall insecurity and the comparison trap I've fallen into. Either way, I need to push back the question of whether or not I am a good singer or even meant to be one and go forward with my life...and sing.
I often question my ability to live life. It could have something to do with the fact that I've never gone through life before, or it could be my overall insecurity and the comparison trap I've fallen into. Either way, I must push back the question of whether or not I'm cut out for this life thing and do my best to go forward with my life...and live.
I could go on, but I think you get the point. So I'm insecure. But God will help me through this.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

I have a dream...

or two, or three. And don't you dare tell me they aren't possible. Because I know if I really try, I can accomplish anything.
With God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26
I want to be an author.
And a midwife.
And a sign language interpreter (for music).
I want to go on hundreds of mission trips, whether they are going half way around the world or just going to the grocery store.
I want to visit orphanages and sing (with a guitar) to the children.
I want to sing and play piano at my church.
I want to play the violin.
I want to be a small group leader.
I want to get married and have a bunch of children and raise them to be God-followers.
I want to homeschool my children.
I want to adopt.
And so much more.

The things I want to do--the things I want to be--are unlimited and unstoppable. Nobody can stop me from dreaming. And nobody can stop you either. We can't let everyone else decide for us what we can and can't do or be. We can do all things through Christ. Not some things. As Christians, we have no limit. With Christ, we are unstoppable.
Lets not let anything stand in our way today. Go and do. Go and be. And stand with God at all times.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Things Above: When Your Thoughts Are Out of Your Control

Yet I am confident I will see the Lord's goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13
At night,
I look up at the stars
and I see the Lord's handy work.
During the day,
I look around at the trees,
the grass,
the birds,
and the bees.
I see the Lord's handy work.
During the night,
I lay awake,
of what tomorrow might bring
and I shudder.
What do you do
when the night haunts you?
You fix your thoughts
on things above.
Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8
 God is true,
He is honorable,
and right,
and pure,
and lovely,
and admirable.
He is excellent
and worthy of praise.
So why
is it so hard
to think about such things?
 I find myself thinking
of unworthy things.
Things that come from the evil one:
his lies,
his words,
they steal away at my thoughts,
my mind,
my heart.
"Guard your heart"
they say
and I try.
But what do you do
when the evil one
is coming after you
with such a force
tearing you apart?
You fix your thoughts
on things above.
Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. Psalm 27:14
But when the waiting gets tough,
what do you do?
You fix your thoughts
on things above.
At night,
I look up at the stars
and I see the Lord's handy work.
During the day,
I look around at the trees,
the grass,
the birds,
and the bees.
I see the Lord's handy work.
Think about such things
and smile.

My Thoughts: Keep you thoughts away from all the bad in the world. Instead, intentionally seek out the Lord's goodness. Life is hard and its so easy to think about everything that's wrong, but we need to stand strong in our faith, build walls around our minds to keep the evil one from spilling evil thoughts inside, be brave and courageous, and wait for the Lord's perfect timing. Its not going to be easy, but in the end, it'll be worth it.
Since you have been raised to  new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God's right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. Colossians 3:1-2
We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God's throne. Hebrews 12:2
So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever. 2 Corinthians 4:18
But the one who endures to the end will be saved. Matthew 24:13

Growing Deeper and Deeper and Deeper

So aside from all the drama that's going on in my life (that I am not willing to tell you about at this moment), life isn't so bad. I mean, I've been doing some ancestry search at the library after co-op on Thursdays and that has been incredible! I love searching ancestry stuff. : ) The boys are starting to get into a fabulous routine! I've started a "Growing Deep" personal devotion thing that is going beautifully. We started it in our youth group as a thing we have to complete if we want to go on a mission trip to Mexico in January, but I'm not doing it just to go on the mission trip. I'm excited to use it as a way to get closer to my God and I'm loving it so far! Soon my small group will be starting a devotion called, "Brazen." I'm super excited about that because I am super insecure and this is supposed to help us become secure and release our inner brazen : ) I love it!

Oh, and tomorrow night is a lock-in at my church. I'll be going to that too. We'll see how that goes. It starts at 7pm and goes till 6 in the morning. I'm excited, but I'm going to be SO tired.
So there you go. A nicer update on my life. See, its not bad here at all <3
Love you guys!
God Bless, Amy Kathleen

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Still That Girl?

Hey everyone.
It's been longer than I had wanted it to be since I posted last, and that is because life happened.
I am more exhausted than I think I've ever been and more sick than I think I've ever been.
Everything hurts.
I currently have (though is this not a doctors diagnosis) croup, the flu, a yeast infection, and terrible constipation (though I am always constipated). I've had a headache everyday since moving and depression and anxiety have struck me.
And I'm reading The Scarlet Letter. Though hard to read, it is actually very good.
But that has nothing to do with anything but my possible altered speech.
My best friends and support group is in Minnesota and I am stuck here, being a bully because of my exhaustion, and feeling depressed therefore because of it.
I am officially off sugar, wheat, and dairy. I am told to drink straight up lemon juice every morning and with a meal I must swallow--like a pill--a garlic clove (cut to be a swallow-able size). It's supposed to get rid of the yeast infection.
Also, I am going to get blood drawn and tested to see why I am always sick.
On the bright side, I haven't had a headache yet today, thanks to my amazing chiropractor who told me I stand weird.
I wonder if its not too late to still be that girl I once was. The one who was always happy and healthy, the one that had faith-like-a-child. Is it still possible to go back to being her? Was that even who I was? My friend here likes to remind me of when we lived here before and--get this--how I was so mean.
That hurt.
So is there even any nice, good, happy, healthy, and faithful girl to go back to? The girl I thought I was never really existed, therefore, do I even have a chance to change? Do I have that in me?
Nevertheless, there is never a doubt in my mind that God is good. He is holding me and this frightful situation in His hands and, with that knowledge, I will fear no evil.
Besides, in Christ I can change, right?

Please note that this is not all cause and effect from moving to this state. It's been amazing and I know it will be well.
Also, this is only an update on me and why I haven't posted in a while. It is not to get sympathy from everyone. I need not that right now, but instead may you--my lovely readers--pray for me? And for my family, who seems to be living in frustration with...I'm not really sure what actually. My three-year-old brother could use prayer too, though this is a bit late to ask. He went to the hospital late on Saturday night because he was breathing weird. He has/had croup also.
Thank you all so much! And please be sure that I will be posting my normal stuff soon. ; )

Enjoy : )

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Drama, Drama, Drama

Sorry everyone for all the drama about moving here and all. I guess its just all that I have to say for now.
And turns out, its not so bad here. We've been here for a little over a week and a half now. We've gone to our old church (the one I became a Christian at), to our old youth group, and pretty much announced our arrival by showing up to places unannounced. : )
But I am still afraid of all the drama this place comes with. : ( When we lived here before we were caught in the crossfire of so much drama it made our heads spin. While we were living in Minnesota, there was hardly any drama at all!
The difference is clear to me though. The people here and there are so much different. And I like the ways of the people here better (as of this moment anyways). I'm sorry, Minnesota.
You see, Arizonans always want to be around each other--even the introverts. And Minnesotans don't see each other as often. Therefore, by seeing each other more often than not, Arizonans have much more drama. Does that make any sense? If not, oh well cause I'm not going to explain it another way. Sorry. ; )
So when I get here my friend tells me all about her "boy drama" and how she has so many guys that have a crush on her and this and that. Then she goes on to telling me how happy she is that I am here now and how hopeful she is that at least half of the guys that like her will now go on to liking me instead. -_- So not cool, guys.
Anyways, here are the pictures of the trip that I promised you all (also something I forgot to share with you that happened while we were still in Minnesota)...
 I miss these girls so much!!! <3
 The weekend before we moved I was Baptized!!! <3 : ) It was such a blessing! Thank you Jesus!
 My friend snuck this picture of us...I don't know why I like it so much.
 I miss you, girl!
 Okay, so on with the pictures of our trip....
 First morning on the road, I got some amazing pictures! <3

 This one is my favorite! <3 : )

 My cat, Willow Mae, didn't love the ride. She road in the camper most of the way. We couldn't stand her walking all over us or meowing.
 My brother, Levi (3).

 Okay, this place is so awesome! : )
 COFFEE!! : )
 ...For ONLY five cents!!!!! : ) That makes me so happy! : )
 Don't ask... ; )
 WARNING: It wasn't as good as it looked. It was still good, but I was hoping the blueberry pie would taste better : (
 Mount Rushmore, we meet again ; )
 So beautiful ; )
 Okay, guys. This is just hilarious. They are lying to our faces right now. That is to a trail. -_-
 My Great Great Aunt Virginia's Sandwiches (aka Aunt Virginia's Sandwiches). They're soooo good!

 Ahh, this is so pretty!
 I honestly don't remember taking these last two, but they are gorgeous!
 Car trouble... : (
 Brothers!! <3 (Sara's boyfriend, Carter (6), Levi (3), and Nathaniel (2))
 Four Corners...again : )

 Arrived : )
 I don't remember taking this.. -_-
 Our first Arizona sunset <3

 Going to the mall with David and Sara...whyyyy?
 Just why? :')
 I started writing for this website...you should go check it out! Its fabulous!
Small groups at church is always fun ; ) <3

Well, that is all for now, my friends. Talk to you soon <3
In Christ Alone,
Amy Kathleen

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

How to Deal with Suffering

(I've never tried a picture like this before, but I've gotta say, I like it a lot : ) I'm doing this more often)
To begin, we are going to look at the verses in Ezekiel 37:1-14.

The hand of the Lord was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”
I said, “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.
Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’”
So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them.
Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’” So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.
Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.’ Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them. I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it, declares the Lord.’” Ezekiel 37:1-14

As you know, moving here was painful for me. I've already moved here once, so you would think this ought to be easy, right? That's what I thought and was hoping for, too.
Unfortunately, it didn't happen that way.
But that's how God works. His ways are greater than my ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). So I'm trying to role with it.
I'm learning that's harder than it sounds.