Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Here is the truth about being back in Minnesota.

Everyone despises our family. Or, that's how they make it seem anyways. I have a big family compared to most and because of that most Minnesotans talk bad about us. For heavens sake, my Aunt says bad stuff about how big our family is in front of my face.
If you don't think that's crooked, than your probably like her. In which case I would advise you to stop reading this now.
My biological family (the Lubrecht's) are constantly ridiculing my family.
My mom's family (the Anderson's) are constantly ridiculing my family.
My dad's family (the Collison's) are constantly ridiculing my family.
We meet people on the streets who ridicule my family.
What's going on? We only have 6 kids. In 2 sets of 3, so that kind of makes it easier too.
Why do other people have to have a problem with us?
Why is having a big family in todays world such a crime?

I hate it. When we lived in Arizona, all our friends encouraged us and kept us going. They love kids and they are helpful.
But here in Minnesota, we have family over and they all ditch us to go out to eat "with just the adults."
In Arizona, kids matter.
In Minnesota, forget the kids. They're just kids. They. Don't. Care.
Really? I'm a kid. I care. My sisters care. My brothers care. We want to spend time with our family and our friends but living here we get stuck with the bad stuff.
Oh, the girls will be happy to watch the kids for us for the next who-knows-how-many-hours.
That may have been the case when we lived in Arizona because they left us every once in a while. But here, when they leave us everyday, there ain't no way you can get me to be happy about that.

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